A problem shared is a problem halved so the saying goes. There is definitely a lot of truth behind this as having the support of others can make the world seem a better place.
However, occasionally a problem can occur that you feel is all down to you and the shame of it, can make you less likely to seek the help of others.
Addiction can be one such problem and since it is increasing in society, many are facing this alone.
It is a complex issue with many causes and there is no magic bullet that can treat it. The sufferers already feel trapped in their own personal hell with no escape in sight.
Whether it’s alcohol, drugs or gambling, dealing with this problem is most effective when shared. However, there are some steps that can be taken individually on the road to recovery.
Gambling addiction has hit the headlines recently and most have been slot-focused. In fact, the increase in slot addiction has already forced law changes, such as the new maximum bet of £2 that applies to fixed-odds betting terminals in the UK.
Slot addiction is also on the increase and the reasons are both simple and complex. The simple reason is that gambling has moved to online platforms like Wizard Slots Games and this has made it more accessible than ever before.
Another major reason can be attributed to online casinos. They have proved to be a hit around the world. There is a huge number to choose from and they are simple to join for all of those of legal age to gamble.
Slots have always proved seductive to people ever since their introduction back in 1895. In fact, slot games are now the most popular section of online casinos and revenue from them continues to increase year on year.
They are fun and more sophisticated than ever, thanks to technology and you can still play high stakes and even win life-changing jackpots.
The more complex causes of addiction lie within society, individuals and things beyond our control such as bereavement.
It is also thought that when you gamble your body releases adrenaline and dopamine floods the brain. Players tend to forget their problems whilst they are in this heightened state.
Irritation, depression and anxiety are temporarily replaced by excitement and euphoria. This leads to more compulsive gambling.
Going It Alone
If you choose to go it alone then instead of going cold turkey, gambling on slots should be decreased gradually. The best way to do this is to set deposit limits on all online casino accounts.
These are set for a certain period of time and cannot be altered. During this time you may acclimatize to spending less money and staking less on each spin too.
Then you can self-exclude for a period of time and if you still think you are likely to return to bad habits, then Gamstop can be used. This will make it physically impossible to load up gambling sites on your computer or mobile devices.