As consuming a healthy, balanced, nutritionally packed diet is extremely important, continue reading to discover a few healthy food tips which will help you clean up your diet.
Healthy Food Tips:
Prepare healthy home made pop corn as a treat:
Instead of opening a bag of chips or crisps in order to satisfy your craving for a salty snack, it’s a great idea to get into the habit of preparing healthy home made popcorn. Just be sure to refrain from using butter to pop your kernels and to limit the amount of salt which you use on your home made popcorn. If your homemade popcorn needs a little extra seasoning try experimenting with using pepper corn on your homemade popcorn.
Swap out your plates and bowls for smaller versions:
If you find it hard to serve yourself healthy portions, the bowls and plates which you’re using may be partially to blame. As many modern day plates and bowls are far too large. You may notice that once you swap out your oversized plates and bowls for smaller versions, that you’ll be able to fill up your plates and bowls, without over eating. However as your plates and bowls will look full, psychologically you’ll feel a whole lot more satisfied than you would be if you were to eat the same sized portion, served in a larger plate or bowl.
Use small plastic containers to store healthy snacks:
To ensure that you always have healthy food options on hand if you get peckish, it’s a great idea to use small plastic containers in order to store healthy snacks. Which you’ll be able to keep in your bag and in your car’s glove box. As examples, you can never go wrong filling a small container with dried fruit such as dried nectarines and prunes or with filling a small container with home made pop corn or nuts.
Grow your own herbs in order to season healthy dishes:
One way to enjoy eating healthier, low fat meals is to start growing your own herbs. As you don’t need a large garden to grow your own herbs and you’ll be able to grow tasty herbs such as basil and coriander in your kitchen. Simply place a few herb pots on your windowsill. So that they’ll enjoy plenty of natural light. One example of a healthy meal which is made better by herbs is smoked salmon served with asparagus.
If you grow vegetables ask to swap your surplus vegetables with family members, friends and neighbors:
Instead of trying to grow a wide variety of vegetables in your garden aim to grow a few different types of vegetables such as lettuce, spinach and corn. As you’ll easily be able to swap your surplus vegetables for other vegetables such as peas, beans and potatoes, with your friends, family members and neighbors. Which will allow you to enjoy a wide variety of vegetables each year, with minimal effort.
So if you’ve been seriously considering making a few changes to your diet in order to clean up your diet and to experience a much needed boost in energy, it’s well worth testing out all of the healthy food tips listed above.
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